Tuesday, April 21, 2020

What I've been doing this year and things that are important to me.

Hello, how are you? I hope you are feeling great! This week and last week we have been learning about Matariki and today we are supposed to make a slideshow and tell you guys what we have been doing in the past year and what is important to you. This took me a couple of hours. This was kinda hard and kinda easy. I hope you are having a great time at home goodbye from Eden.


  1. Oh no Eden! I can't see your slide, can you please change your sharing settings so I can? I was really excited to see what you have created.

  2. Hi Eden, I would love to see your slide after reading your caption above, but I can't see it. What did you find hard? and what did you find easy? I'm looking forward to seeing more. Sharron

    1. Hello Sharron its Eden! I fixed the slide show so that everyone can take a look of it and thanks for letting me know about that! I found that it was easy to just put some pictures up on it but the hard thing was probably nothing.From Eden.


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