Friday, May 29, 2020

E.M Should Children be able to Chew Gum at school?

Hello How are you?? I hope you are having a great day! So Today in Whenua we are supposed to pick something to do on the blog Contract! I choose Should kids be able to Chew gum at school! I think that it is good and it is bad at the same time! This took me about 30 minutes! I found this Hard because I had to think of some ideas on what good and bad things are. I also found it easy because I enjoy doing work on a slide. What do you think about kids being able to chew gum at school?? Please go check out my piece of work down below! Thank you for reading this! Have a great day! Goodbye From Eden!

Thursday, May 28, 2020

E.M Quiz about Matariki!

Hello! How are you?? I hope you are having a great day today! So This week in Whenua we are learning about the Pleiades, Also known as Matariki! This week we are supposed to do a Quiz about Matariki and how much you know about it. The first time I did this test I got 8 out of 10. ( This is the link to the Quiz... THE LINK!)  So we are supposed to post on our blog three things we learned about Matariki that we didn't know before we did the test. The three things I did not know is... That Winter in Maori is Hotoke. Another thing I learned is that Matariki comes in June, May, and July. The last thing I learned is that Tangaroa is not another name for Matariki. ( Even though I didn't think it was)

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

E.M Celebrating Puanga at Ramanui!

Hello How are you?? I hope you are having a great day! So In Whenua for literacy, we are reading a book about a town on the north island in New Zealand that celebrates a star called Puanga. I had to Anser some Questions about the book so you can go check the answers down below. At Ramanui school they have a hangi and its called Puanga kai Rau. They do some kapa haka and they also Make kites and lanterns. The kids help with the hangi and look up at the stars. Then some of the kids sleep at the school and they wake up early in the morning to see if they can see Puanga. Thank you for checking out my blog! Please go and check out my work below. Thank you! From Eden.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

E.M The 6 biomes.

Hello, I hope you are having a great day! So today in whenua we are supposed to research the 6 biomes. The 6 biomes are  Deciduous forest, Desert, Taiga, Tundra, Grasslands, and tropical rain forest. I found this very interesting! please check out my work down below. this took me about half an hour. I found this very easy because I like typing with my keyboard. I found this hard because to me it took a long time. Thank you for reading this from Eden!

Edens Ecosystem.

Hello, How are you? I  hope you are having a great day! So Yesterday In whenua we were supposed to design our own ecosystem. I was a day late so I finished this today. This took me about 1 day. I found this very easy because I just had to label what the things were. I made my Ecosystem in a turtle tank. I found this very fun because I enjoy drawing in my free time! Thank you for checking out my blog! Please check my work down below bye! From Eden.

Monday, May 11, 2020

E.M Changes in Ecosystem.

Hello, How are you? I hope you are having a great day! In Whenua, we are learning about Ecosystems. So today we are learning about Aquatic Ecosystems. We checked out a website about underwater ecosystems and the polluted water and them cleaning up. This is the Website. I think we also had to answer some questions. This took me about 15 minutes. I found this easy because my Mum helped a bit. Thank you for reading this please check out my work down below. From Eden.

E.M Dinner Costs.

Hello, I hope you are having a great day! So On Friday for Maths we had to create a dinner and go online and see how much the dinner ingredients cost. ( But we did not actually make the dinner only some people did.)  I choose Sushi but I did not make it in real life. I added all the ingredients up and I did the total cost but I might be wrong about it so yeah. this took me about an hour. I found this hard because I had to work out the costs but the easy bit was when I had to write the words on the slide. Thank you for reading this bye!

E.M Design an Aquatic Creature

Hello, I hope you are feeling well! So on Friday  Whenua had to Design your own aquatic creature and write a paragraph on why it suits its ecosystems. I finished this piece of work on Friday but I am blogging it today. I found this piece of work very easy and I did not find any of it hard. I also enjoyed doing this work because I Drew the dolphin picture and I love drawing! This took me about half an hour. Thank you for reading this and please check out my work down below! From Eden.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

E.M Factors up to 100

Hello How are you? I'm having a great day I hope you are too! So today in my maths group Superstars, we are learning to do factors up to 100. So I found this hard and simple. This took me about 1 hour, the hard bit was when I had to go through my time tables to work it out but the easy bit was when io had to type it. Have a great day from Eden.

E.M Comparing Aquatic ecosystems.

Hello How are you? I hope you are feeling great! So in Whenua, we are learning about ecosystems so today we are going to be Learning about Aquatic Ecosystems. So first I'm going to be answering some questions. What makes each of these areas special? I think they're special because of there all different in there own way. What lives in these ecosystems? Well in each ecosystem lives a different thing but some of them are the same animal but they live in a different kind then there species. How have the Organisms adapted to live there? Um, I don't really know but if you have any answers to this question just answer in the comments. This took me about 1 hour. I found this really easy because my Mum helped me and I just searched for some up on the internet. Thank you, from Eden.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

E.M Ecosystem at home

Hello, I hope you are having a great day! So yesterday Whenua had to draw a picture of an ecosystem near your home. This took me about 10 minutes. I was a little late on doing this piece of work. I found this really easy and yeah. I found none of this hard because I enjoy drawing. From Eden.

E.M Possum Problem

Hello, I hope you are having a great day! I hope that you are feeling great today! How is Isolation going? So in the past week, Whenua has been learning about the ecosystem and what is the difference between Abiotic and Biotic.  I'm also going to be answering some questions. Why were possums introduces to new Zealand? I think possums were introduced to New Zealand because the hunters there needed something to hunt. Why is the introduction of possums so devastating to the wildlife in New Zealand? I don't really know why but I think its because they eat the bird's eggs and they make some of the birds endangered? So I have been reading a book about possums and Whenua has too. We are learning about possums because they destroy the ecosystems and other things too. So today we are supposed to draw a picture of an ideal possum habitat. This is my picture. I hope you enjoy! From Eden.

Monday, May 4, 2020

E.M Ecosystem.

Hi, I hope you are having a great day! So today Whenua is learning about what is an ecosystem? So I think an ecosystem is where there is a community with abiotic things and biotic things. And yeah. ( You can tell me in the comments if i am wrong)  So this took me about a couple of hours to do. So my Mum helped me with this work. I found this work very easy and hard. The easy bit was when I had to take some pictures. But the hard bit was when I had to write everything. From Eden.

E.M Maths Medals.

Hi, I hope you are having a great day! So in my maths group superstars, we are trying to learn how to do square numbers. I found this really complicating on 14 x 14 and 12 x 12. But I found the rest easy because I already knew some of the answers. ( My mum helped me with some.) This took me about 15 minutes. Thank you for reading this and checking out my blog! From Eden.

Friday, May 1, 2020


Hello How are you? I hope you are having a good day! So in my maths group superstars, we have been learning to convert fractions to decimals. This took me about 1 day. I found this piece of work really hard because I have never done this piece of learning before but it's a good thing I know what to do now.  My Mum helped work some of them out. But anyway thank you for reading this and have a great day from Eden.

Samoan New years Traditions

Hello How are you? I hope you are feeling well! I also hope you are having a great time in Quarantine and isolation! This Week in Whenua we have mostly been learning about Matariki! So for the activity, we have to research on other countries' new year's traditions. On Wednesday we researched Chinese New Year traditions and on Thursday we could pick a country that we wanted to research. I researched on Samoa because my Dad's Side is from there and some of them live there. This took me about 1 day. This was easy and hard. The easy part was probably when I had to research the traditions there. The hard bit was when I had to write it and insert some pictures. Thank you for reading this and have a great day!  Bye from Eden.