Friday, July 31, 2020

E.M Information text.

Information text about Articles.

Article 1: Gabriel Read gained fame when he found gold near the Tuapeka River. Thousands of people went to ‘Gabriel’s Gully’ Hoping to become rich. Gabriel Read was from Tasmania and he returned there in 1864 and spent his final years in a mental hospital.

Article 2: On the 23rd of May 1861 Gabriel Read gained esteem and provincial government bonuses when he found gold. Another Character, Edward Peters, had found gold earlier than Gabriel Read in the same area, but he had not proven that the deposits were extensive enough to be economically worked. 
Article 3: Gold was identified in a number of Otago waterways in the 1850s but the leaders of the Otago settlement were ambivalent- A gold rush might bring riches. 

Gabriel Read Gabriel Read - Wikipedia

Monday, July 27, 2020

E.M Word of the week.

Hello fellow humans it's Eden here! How are you? I hope you are having a great day. So this is the word of the week and the word for this week is Devour and it means to destroy or eat something very quickly. This took me about 10 minutes and I found this very easy because I do this every week. Please go and check out my blog post down below. Bye from Eden.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

E.M Blog Contract A holiday that I have been on.

Hello! How are you? I hope you are having a great day. So this blog post is about a holiday that I have been on. ( This is from my blog contract. ) The story is called a trip to Rainbows End if you want to read it, it is down below so please check it out. This took me about 10 minutes. I found all of this easy because I enjoy doing stuff from my blog contract. have you ever been to Rainbows End? please write in the comments if you have. Bye, .have a great day from Eden.

E.M Word of the week term 3 week 1.

Hello everybody! How are you? I hope you are having a great day! So this week for spelling we are doing the word of the week like always! So the word of the week was ominously I think it means in a way that suggests that something bad is going to happen. So all of this took me about 10 minutes to finish. I found all of this easy because we always do the word of the week every week and I found none of this hard. Please go and check out my work down below bye from Eden.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

E.M (Blog Contract) If I could go back in time to one event what would it be?

Hello! How are you I hope you are feeling great and having a great day! This week we have been doing literacy medals and I have already finished all of my literacy medals for today so I decided to do something from my blog contract. I chose if I could go back in time to one event what would it be. If you want to find out what I picked you can go and check out my work below. This took me about 5 minutes and it was really easy. Bye from Eden.