Monday, March 29, 2021

E.M Word of the Week: Reminisce.

 Hello fellow humans! How are you? I hope you are having a cool day today! So my class and I, Whenua were supposed to do the word of the week. Well, we didn't have to if we didn't want to. We could either do the Word of the week or do Epic. I decided to do school work because I wanted to get it over and done with. (I also wanted to do my school work.) The word of the week was Reminisce. Which means to lookback or review something. I found this cool and fun. I found this easy cause I got the hang of it cause we have been doing the word of the week for quite a while now. This took me about 15 minutes to make and finish and post it on my blog. Thanks for everything! Maybe next time we could reminisce! Thanks, Bye, From Eden.

1 comment:

  1. hi Eden I really love your work keep it up


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