Friday, February 26, 2021

E.M Autumn poem.

 Kia Ora everyone! I hope you are having a lovely day! So yesterday my class and I were supposed to make a seasonal poem. I chose to make a poem about Autumn because that is probably my favorite season. This took me about 2 days to finish this work. I found this very easy cause I like doing poems. I found this fun and cool. Please go and check out my work below! Thanks for reading this! Bye, from Eden.

Language's French Canada.

 Hello everyone! How are you? I hope you are having a cool day today! So my class and I have been working on a project. This project is for French. My class and I are doing french and learning it. We learn french for a block every Tuesday. We also learn Te Reo Maori. So for French, we had to pick a country that speaks french to research. I chose Canada. I found out a lot of facts about Canada. This took me a few weeks to finish. I found this very fun cause I like to research other countries.  I found this quite hard cause I have to research different countries and I'm not quite that good at that. Please go and check out my work below! Thanks for being here bye! From Eden

E.M My Fish Silky. Blog Contract.

 Kia Ora everyone! How are you? I hope you are having a cool day!  So my class and I had to pick something off our blog contract and we do that thing that we chose. I chose to write and tell the reader about your pet. So I only have one pet, my pet is called Silky. I'm pretty sure Silky is a boy but it might be a girl but let's just call it a boy.  So this piece of work took me about 20 minutes to make. I found this very easy cause I know all about my fish cause he is my fish. I found this kind of fun cause I really enjoy doing school work. Please go and check out my work below! Bye from Eden!

Thursday, February 25, 2021

E.M My Fish Silky Poem.

 Kia Ora everyone! How are you? I hope you are having a beautiful day! So this week my class and I had to create a poem about a special item or pet that we own! So I chose my Fish Silky. I got Silky for Christmas 2020 from my older sister. I got 3 fish but sadly the other two died. So we were supposed to make 2 poems, the other poem that I made was about my bedroom. After we made 2 poems we had to pick the best one. I chose the poem about my fish. This poem took me about 2 days to make. I found this very cool cause I kinda like making poems but I also found it easy cause I knew exactly what to do and I wasn't lost.  Please go and check out my blog post down below. Have an awesome day and bye! 

Monday, February 22, 2021

E.M The Tree of Life.

 She Held hope in her outstretched hands, Kneeling gently on the ground, she prepared herself for what she knew she must do. The cool water trickled through her muddy fingers, and the soft, black earth felt comfortingly warm on her palms. 

Planting the tree of life would mean a new beginning. The opportunities were endless...

Feeling the excitement course through her quivering body, she lowered the tree of life into the small hole she had prepared. It was time...

It was a sunny, hot, scorching day in the ver hot, Australia., well isn't it every day? Stella whispered in her head.  She was watching her creepy old neighbor Mr. Grass Worm, While he was cutting down all the trees in his front yard.  Stella always thought he was weird. Stella and her family moved to Australia 5 years ago, she lived there for exactly half of her life.

When Stella first moved into her new home Mr. Grass Worm was a happy cheerful man, until his wife died from Cancer. Ever since the incident happened, he had always been grumpy, sad, most of all SUS.. Stella just thought he was sad because of his wife dying or was it something else? 

Well, back to what Stella was actually doing. Stella was planting a tree, but not just any old tree, it was a special tree, the Tree of Life! She recently got this tree from Mrs. Oldie. Mrs. Oldie worked at the plant shop down the road. The old lady always felt like she and Stella were connected somehow, so did Stella. So she gave Stella a special plant, called The Tree of Life! The Tree of Life could bring life! It could plant millions of more trees, but only if she planted the tree first. 

So she started to plant the tree. The tree had to be fully grown first then the millions of trees would be planted.

After she planted the special tree, she went inside. The next morning the tree was massive. It was almost ready! Then she saw Mr. Grass Worm trying to cut down the important tree! She ran downstairs. Mr. Grass Worm saw her, then he hurried aways into his old, creepy home. While he was running away something small fell out of his pocket. It looked like a small diary. 

She picked the small book up and started to read it. She was horrified. In the book, it said '' How I shouldn't have killed my dear wife''. She was shocked! Straight after she finished reading the sentence in the book she looked up at his house. He was standing there behind the curtains staring at her out the dusty window. He glanced creepily at her. He started to write something on the dusty window while blood dripped down the window. The sentence said  '' Your next''.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

E.M Getting to know you.

 Kia Ora everyone! How are you! I hope you are having a beautiful day today! So today I and my class have been working on a slideshow and are supposed to write about ourselves and are supposed to answer questions about ourselves. I found this amazing and fun. I also found this easy cause I knew the answers to the questions. Thank you for listening please go and check out my work below. Also, I and my class are also going to be doing self-portraits.  Have an awesome rest of the day! Bye from Eden.

E.M I am responsible for any activity undertaken on this Chromebook.

 Kia Ora everyone! How are you! I hope you are having a wonderful day today! This is my first blog of 2021! So today we were learning about the Kawa of care and how you have to look after your Chromebook. So Miss Farr cut up some pieces of paper and drew numbers on them the numbers were 1-8. Whatever number you pick out of the hat is the number on the screen you have to do a DLO about. (Digital learning object.)  So the number I picked out was 7. Number 7 means I am responsible for an activity undertaken on this Chromebook. That is the sentence I have to write about. This took me about 1 hour to make. I found this really nice and cool! I found this easy cause I write a lot and I knew what I was writing.  Please go and check out my work below! Have an awesome day and bye! From Eden.