Monday, May 10, 2021

E.M Maths- Reflecting On Maths this Week- Fractions.

 Hi everyone! How are you? I hope you are having a great day today! So for Maths, we were supposed to do make a DLO (Digital Learning Object.) about what we've been learning about this week. So for Maths, we were learning about Fractions. So for Fractions, we were adding fractions. Fractions were kinda difficult for me, but in the end, I found it easy and was relieved that I finally finished it! I made a slideshow for it. This took me about 1 hour to finish, I also found this hard because I didn't know what to do, I also found this cool, I guess? Fun Fact: Giraffes tounges can be up to 20 inches! Wow! Please go down below and check out my work! If I could do anything better to make my work more BTB (Better Than Before.) Make sure to write it down in the comments what I could do better next time. Thanks, bye, 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Eden my name is Gideon from glenbrae school we are your Tuhi Mai, Tuhi Atu buddy's. I am really impressed how you and your class are learning fraction and how to add them and to break the numbers down but anyways keep up the great work and keep up the good blogs.👍👍😃😃


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