Hello fellow humans! How are you? I hope you are having a delightful day today! So since it's the school holidays I was getting quite bored just staying home and doing absolutely nothing, so I decided to choose something off the blog contract and do what it said. So I chose to do: Should children be allowed to chew chewing gum at school and why or why not? So I chose to say why we should be allowed because chewing gum tasted so good and it has many other good side effects as well. I know that most kids put chewing gum underneath tables like those high schools, but maybe if you put chewing gum underneath the table, you could get in trouble? This took me about 10 minutes to make, and I found this very fun and exciting because I finally wasn't bored and I love chewing gum, and I also found this easy because I already knew that chewing gum could help you in school. Fun Fact: Some African tribes have been known to take chewing gum as a payment for a wife, instead of oxen or a sheep... WHAT?? Please go and check out my work down below and see why kids should be allowed to chew chewing gum, thanks, bye, Eden!
Monday, April 26, 2021
E.M Should children be allowed to chew chewing gun at school? - Blog Contract 2021.
Thursday, April 15, 2021
E.M Remembering- In Memory.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
E.M Applying- In Memory.
Hi everyone! How are you? I hope you are having a great awesome day today! So for T-Shaped Literacy, we were supposed to read three books and do three activities for each book. So I'm on my third book and I'm also on my second activity. The activity I chose was from the category Applying. The activity I actually chose was: Write words for a Jingle about the book to encourage people to read it. This took me about 5 minutes to make and finish, I found this fun and enjoyable, I also found this hard because I had to think a long time about what wors would be in the Radio Jingle. So I hope that this Radio Jingle would encourage you to read the book. Also, the Jingle is underneath this caption. I hope that you like my work! Fun Fact: Cows don't have Upper Teeth. Please go and check out my work down below! Thanks, bye, Eden.
(Tune.) New Zealand, New Zealand, you should read In Memory by Jack Phillips now!. (Singing ends.) It's all about Anzac and the War, very Educational. New Zealand, New Zealand you should read In Memory by Jack Phillips now! (Ends.)
E.M The 28th Māori Battalion.
Kia Ora everyone! How are you? I hope you are having a great day today, and yay it's the last week of school! For T-Shaped Literacy, we were supposed to research the 28th Māori Battalion. The 18th Māori Battalion was an Infantry Battalion of the New Zealand Army that served during the War. The 28th Māori Battalion was the most famous Battalion of New Zealand. They even have a video! To go and see the video of them doing Kapa Haka make sure to go onto my work and click the fag to go and check it out! This took me about 1 day to make, edit, put links, and finish, I also found this fun and exciting, I also found this hard because we had to make it as interesting and good as possible. Fun Fact: The man with the world's deepest voice can make sounds humans can't hear. That's... just... WOW! I'll show a picture down below of my work, but sorry you sadly can't click on the links, sorry. Please go and check out my work down below, and if there is anything that I could do to make this BTB (Better Than Before.) make sure to tell me down below in the comments! Thanks, bye, Eden.
E.M Reflecting on what we've done this week for Maths.
Kia Ora everyone! How are you? I hope you are having a delightful day today. So for maths on the Must do's, we had to make a DLO (Digital Learning Object.) reflecting on what we have done for Maths this week. I chose to make a slideshow because I don't really make many blog posts with slideshows. The thing that we did this week was adding and subtracting large numbers in the thousands, and the hundreds. This took me about 20 minutes to make and finish, I also found this fun and great, and I also found this easy because all we had to do was make a DLO (Digital Learning Object.) and write what we have learnt this week. Fun Fact: Octopuses lay 56,000 eggs at a time. Wow, that's a lot! Please go and read my work down below this caption, bye, from, Eden.
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
E.M Understanding- In Memory.
Tēnā Koe! How are you? I hope you are having a cool day today! How are you? I hope you are having a great day today! So for T-Shaped Literacy, we were supposed to read three books about the war and do three activities for each book and pick those activities from the activity chart. This is my third book and this is my first activity for the book. The activity I chose was from the category Understanding. The activity was: Draw a picture about how the text makes you feel, and explain in a diary entry how the text makes you feel. The diary entry and the picture are right underneath this caption. This took me about 20 minutes to make, I found this hard because I had to think hard about what to write and I had to think about the feeling I was feeling while reading the book, I also found this fine and ok. Yay, it's the last week of school for Term 1! Fun Fact: Armadillo shells are bulletproof. Wow, that means if you're trying to hunt one down with a gun and you shoot it on its shell, it won't work. (Also please don't hunt Exoctic animals.) Please go and check out my work down below! Thanks, bye, Eden.
Dear Diary,
It's Eden here! I have recently learned about Anzac and the memorials that were built for the men and women that passed away in world war 1. I mean don't we learn about it every year, but this year was different. I had just started to realize how sad the story was. The book I learned more about Anzac was called In-Memory. That's where I started to feel sad. They went to serve our country and lots of them did not survive. So I definitely agree that they should be remembered. I am very sorry for those who lost their loved ones. I am quite glad that they put over 500 memorials around New Zealand! The feeling I got reading the book was: Sad. I am very grateful for the people that went to serve our country and gave up their lives for us.
E.M Analysing- First World War Mascots.
Kia Ora everyone! How are you? I hope you are having a beautiful day today! So for T-Shaped Literacy, my class was supposed to read a book about the World Wars and pick three activities to do off the chart of activities. This is my third task, and my second book, so I only have 1 more book to do! The task that I chose to do was from the category Analysing and the activity I chose was: Design a new front cover for the book you have read. Make it visually appealing si it will attract readers. Refer to other book covers to see what to include. This took me about 15 minutes to make and finish, I also found this fun and not boring at all, I also found this easy because I knew what to do and I also had a great time decorating the book cover. To see what it looks like make sure to look at it down below! Fun Fact: Scotland has 421 words for "Snow". Wow, that's a lot of words for snow! It may look a bit wonky because it didn't work. Hooray! It's the last week of Term 1. Please go and check out my work down below. Thanks, bye, Eden.
E.M Maths- Add and Subtracting Large numbers.
Hello everyone! How are you? I hope you are having a great day today! So for maths my group, the Circles were supposed to add and subtract big numbers. We were supposed to figure out the answers by ourselves. There were six questions but some of the questions we answered with Miss Farr. This took me about 15 minutes to finish and make, I also found this fun and great, I also found this hard and easy because at first I accidentally added the numbers that I was supposed to subtract, then I had to start all over again. We could post this on our blogs if we wanted to, but if we didn't we didn't have to. Fun Fact: The first oranges weren't orange. That's right! I can't believe it, I always just thought oranges were orange but turn out they weren't always. Please go and check out my workings don below! Also do you like maths? Make sure to write them in the comments. If I could make anything BTB (Better Thank Before.) make sure to put it down below in the comments. Thanks, bye, Eden.
E.M Kenning Poem.
Hello everyone! How are you? So I hope you are having a gorgeous day today! So Miss Farr told us to make a Kenning poem. A kenning poem is a five-line poem. If you don't know what a kenning poem is then search it up. My kenning poem is right underneath this caption! This took me about 12 minutes to make, I also found this great and fun, and I also found this hard because I didn't know what to make my poem about, but now I know what to do it on. Miss Farr told us not to tell you what the poem is about, but can you guess? Make sure to write down below in the comments what you think the poem is about and make sure not to cheat and read the poem first. Also if I can do anything better and make it BTB ) Better Than Before.) make sure to write it down below in the comments. Please go and check out my work down below! Thanks, bye, Eden. P.s I have no time for a Fun Fact, sorry.
E.M Kaitiaki Word of the week.
Kia Ora everyone! How are you? I hope you are having a great awesome day today! So for Spelling, my class Whenua and I were supposed to do our word of the week. So this week's word of the week was Kaitiaki, which means Guardian and protector of the environment. I thought it had something to do with kindness but it wasn't. This took me about 10 minutes to make, I also found this fun and great, and I also found this easy because we mostly do the word of the week every week, and hey! It's the last week of school! Fun Fact: Maori is the youngest culture in the world! Please go and check out my work down below! Thanks, bye, Eden.
E.M Evaluating- First World War Mascots.
Hello, everyone! How are you? I hope you are having a delightful day today! So for T-Shaped Literacy, we were supposed to read the three stories and pick three activities for that book on the activity chart. This is my second book and this is my second activity on the book. My book is called First World War Mascots by Philipa Werry. The book is explaining what mascots are and remembering what they did and how they helped us. The activity I chose was from the category Evaluating, and the activity was: Explain your feeling to a particular part of the book why do you feel this way? So the part of the book I chose was on page 2 of the book. That part explains what a mascot is and why did the soldiers have mascots. Read how I felt reading this down below this caption. This took me about 10 minutes to make and finish, I also found this easy but hard because I had to decide what part of the book to explain how I felt, I also found this great. if there is anything that I can do better next time, make sure to write it down below in the comments. Fun Fact: The population of New Zealand in 1914 was approximately 1.1 million. Wow! Please go and check out my work down below! Thanks, Eden.
When I was reading what a mascot is and why the soldiers had mascots, at first I felt confused because I didn't know what a mascot was and why the soldiers had mascots. Then after I found out what mascots were and why the soldiers had mascots I was completely happy, not angry one bit, because the animals looked so cute and it hit the spot when they said that they had the mascots not only for help but for company. (That's like having a pet.) I was very happy but sad because later on in the book some animals passed away, but when reading page 2 I felt happy and not confused anymore.
Monday, April 12, 2021
E.M Understanding- First World War Mascots.
Kia Ora everyone! How are you? I hope that you are having a beautiful day today! So for T-Shaped Literacy, we are learning about Anzac and the Mascots. The book I decided to read was First World War Mascots. It's about all the animals that stayed by the soldier's sides while they were at war and how they helped them defeat the other enemies. One of my favorite famous animals that were mentioned in the story was Pelorus Jack. He was a dog that helped a lot, but not in the war, on the HMS New Zealand. So I was supposed to choose something off the chart and I chose: Design a bookmark featuring the title, author, and a summary of your book. Decorate the bookmark with pictures of the book. To show you know about the book make a picture book. Illustrate the main idea of the book. Which I think is remembering the animals that helped in the first world war. I also think it's about the mascots and the book teaches the reader what mascots are and how they help, it also teaches them about animals and some of the animals that served in the first world war were exotic. This is my first task for my second book, just have one more book to go and two more tasks. This took me about 2 hours to make, I also found this exciting because I like doing crafts, I also found this great but kinda boring. Fun Fact: A snail can sleep for three years. All my work is down below. Please check out my work down below and if you have made it this far in the caption good job! You're a good reader. Thanks, Eden.
E.M Analysing- Torty the Lucky Tortoise.
Hello! How are you? I hope that you are having a CRAZY day today! So for T-shaped literacy, we were supposed to pick something off the chart about Anzac and read a book. So this is task three and the task that I chose was off Analysing and it was: If you could meet the author or a character from your book what five questions would you most like to ask them? So I decided to ask five questions to the author and to Stewart the second main character that found Torty the lucky Tortoise. I decided to write the questions I would ask them underneath this caption. This took me about 10 minutes to make, I found this a bit boring but fun at the same time, I also found this easy. Fun Fact: Tortoises can live almost everywhere that is warm enough for them to breed, except for Antarctica. Please go and check out my work down below! Thanks, bye, Eden.
if I met the Author of Torty the Lucky Tortoise I would ask them these five questions.
1. How long did it take you to make this book?
2. Did you interview Beth, Stewart's Daughter-in-law?
3. Were you surprised about this story?
4.What do you wish you could do better about this story?
5. Did you take the pictures of the kids meeting Torty in the book?
If I met Stewart (If he was alive.) these would be the five questions I would ask him.
1. What were you thinking when you saw Torty getting ran over?
2. Was Torty like your best friend?
3. When Torty went into hibernation. what was your first reaction? Did you think she was dead?
4. Were you crying when Torty got kidnapped?
5. Did you enjoy spending time with Torty?
Friday, April 9, 2021
E.M Evaluating- Torty the lucky Tortoise.
Kia Ora everyone! How are you? I hope that you are having a fantastic day! So for T-shaped literacy, we were supposed to pick something off the chart and I decided to choose Evaluating. So for the Evaluating task, we were supposed to: Give your book a rank or rating. Write why you gave it this rating, compared to other books. So I gave the book Torty the luck Tortoise a 9 out of 10. Find out down below why I gave it this rating. This is my task 2 for the book Torty the luck Tortoise. This took me about10 minutes to make, I found this fun and great, I also found this easy. Fun Fact: Tortoises can live up to 150 years. Please go and check out my work down below! Thanks, bye, Eden.
I give my book, Torty the luck Tortoise, nine out of ten. I think this because it had pictures so that we could imagine what Torty and Stewart looked like. You can also picture the scenes and what happened. I don't give it a ten because I think that the Author could have added a bit more writing because I think that is is a very short story and I would have liked to read more.
Thursday, April 8, 2021
E.M Remembering- Torty The Lucky Tortoise.
Hello, everyone! How are you? I hope you are having a wonderful day today! So my class Whenua is working on something new for T-Shaped Literacy. Can you guess what it is? We are learning about Anzac and some of the animals that went to war. So we were supposed to choose a story that was on the class blog and read the book. Then we were supposed to pick something off the chart and do that certain activity. There were many activities to do, but you can't do the same activity for the same book. So I chose to read Torty the lucky Tortoise. Torty is a Tortoise that was found by Stewart. Stweart took Torty into his home after she got ran over by a wheel. Then she went through a lot of things, she got stolen, found, in a fire, and through hibernation. This is the first activity that I chose off the chart. The activity I chose was: Are there any animals or natural settings in your book? If yes, draw and describe them. If no could there have been? Draw and Describe them. So I drew Torty and what she looked like, I also described her. I found this easy and hard. I also found this fun. This took me about 15 minutes to make. I also decided to write my text, and the text is down below this caption. I also put a picture of what Torty looks like. Fun Fact: Tortoises are ancient, Tortoises have been around for over 200 million years- longer than lizards, birds, mammals, crocodiles, and snakes. Thanks, bye, Eden.
Torty is a small tortoise. She has two-wheel marks on the top of her shell. When she was found, by her owner, she was around one hundred years old. While currently, she is two hundred years old. She has faded marks on her back. She is grey, black, and a very light orangey yellow. She has two little cute nostrils and a cute innocent face. She has lost some toes on her back toes. Her feet are scaly and rough. Overall she looks adorable.
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
E.M If I could change one thing about our school what would it be?
Kia Ora everyone! How are you? I hope that you are having a great, awesome, amazing day today! So I was chilling at home and had nothing to do, So I decided to choose something off the blog contract and do a DLO (Digital Learning Object.) I chose to do it on a google drawing. I chose to do if I could change something about our school what would it be. The thing that I would change about our school would be that if a kid got to reflection they would miss out on a treat that the rest of the class would do. This took me about 20 minutes to make. I found this fun and quite cool. I also found this easy and hard because it took me quite a while to decided what to change in our school then after that it was easy. Fun Fact: Mcdonals once made bubblegum flavored broccoli. ... That is just- mind-blowing... Please go and check out my work down below! Thanks,
Sunday, April 4, 2021
E.M If I could go back in time to one event what would the event be.
Ello Ello Ello everyone! How are you? I hope that you are having a great day today! So since it's the Easter Holidays, I'm very bored. So I decided to pick something off the blog contract and do my work. So I decided to pick I you could go back in time to one event what would the event be? So I technically chose two things but it doesn't really matter, but one of the events isn't really an event. It is a place in time. If you want to know make sure to watch the video down below! The main event is when I went to Auckland Rainbows End in 2016! This took me about 2 hours to make. I found this hard because I had to keep on taking videos to try and get the perfect shot. I found this fun and great. I also put a picture of me and my sister Isy in the video and I also put a picture of my favourite ride there. ( Turns out it's called the Invader. I didn't know the name when I did this video but I have just found out.) Fun Fact: Rainbows End opened in December 1982. Please go and check out my work down below! P.s I hope you like my bunny ears! Thanks, bye, from Eden.
Saturday, April 3, 2021
E.M Gratitude post.
Hello everyone! How are you? I hope you are having a fantastic day today! So I decided to do a DLO (Digital Learning Object.) About what I am grateful for. I picked this off the blog contract and I am doing this in the Easter holidays because I want to! ( I'm also bored.) Yay, I can't believe that tomorrow is Easter! I'm very excited. Now you're probably reading this after Easter, so how was your Easter? I thought very hard about what I am grateful for and I finally came up with these five answers. 1. Friends and Family, 2. Food and Water, 3. Shelter, 4. School, 5. Money. If you want to read what I did and what I decided to write in paragraphs make sure to click on the blog post down below! This took me about 1 hour to make and about 1 day to post it. ( Because I didn't have enough time to post it.) I found this hard cause it took a long time to make this. ( I hope you like it!) I also found this enjoyable because first of all I love doing school work and secondly I love posting new things on my blog! If there is anything that I can change or make BTB (Better Than Before.) Fun Fact: The Easter bunny Legend began in Germany. (I thought it began in America to be honest.) Make sure to put it in the comments because I love getting feedback on what to do better next time. Please go and check out my blog post down below! Thanks, Bye, Eden.
Friday, April 2, 2021
E.M My Pets- Blog Contract- Silky.
Kia Ora everyone! How are you? I hope that you are having an absolute Great day today! So for the Easter holidays, I was getting quite bored so I decided to do my blog contract! So I picked to tell you guys about your pet! I wrote about Silky. Silky is my fish and I got him in Christmas for 2020. I got him from my older sister, Isy. She got me Silky because she got me for secret Santa. To know any more about Silkys journey make sure to read it down below. Silky is an Orange and White fish, he is also the best fish in the world. This took me about 15 minutes to make, I found this amazing and entertaining because I love Silky so much and I think that he is cuter than my 4-year-old brother, I also found this easy not hard at all because Silky is one of my Best friends. Every time I walk past him I think he is so cute and feel like I just won the lottery. I love Silky so much! If you have a fish make sure to tell me in the comment and tell me what he looks like, also tell me in the comments if you adore Silky just like me. Fun Fact: People say that fish have the memory of three seconds but No! Fish can remember things for 5 monthes. When I thought he only had the memory of three seconds I was traumatized that he wouldn't remember me and be like where and I? I am still traumatized that he would forget me. Please go and check out my work down below! Thanks, bye, Eden.
Thursday, April 1, 2021
E.M My Hobbies- Blog Contract 2021.
Hello everyone! How are you? I hope you are having a perfect day! So if you were finished all the school work you were supposed to pick something off the blog contract then make a blog post about it. I decided to chose to write my hobbies. The hobbies that I mostly do at home are, Watching my fish (I know that that is not really a hobby.), Piano, and school work. (Even though that is not really a hobby as well.) This took me about 15 minutes to make. I found this fun and cool. I also found this easy cause I was doing a blog post about myself. Please go and check out my blog post down below! If you have any feedback make sure to write it down below or something that I could work on next time, Thanks, Eden.
E.M Pick a Path Story- Blog Contract.
Bonjour everyone! ça va? (How are you?) I hope you are having an excellent day today! So if we had finished our work then we had to pick something off the Blog Contract. The blog contract is when if you're finished all your work you pick something on the list and make a DLO about it. (Digital Learning Object.) I decided to do a pick a path story, but not just any old story, it's gonna be Covid 19 edition. To win you have to execute Covid 19 by answering questions about books and movies. On the last question if you get it wrong then you go to the very start. (Please don't cheat.) There will be 8 questions in total. This took me about 2 days to make. I found this very amusing because I love doing pick a path stories. I hope you love it! Can you please write down below what I could work on and what I could be BTB (Better Than Before.) about. Please go and check out my work down below! Thanks, Au Revoir ( Good bye.), Eden.